Summer location
W. Med -Naples/Sicily, Greece, W. Med -Riviera/Cors/Sard., Turkey, W. Med - Spain/Balearics, Croatia
Winter location
Plus Expenses

2 x Jet Sky Sea Doo 140 hp
2 x powered sea jet blade fish 2000, 12v
1 x banana 5 seats
1 x tube
1 x inflatable boat
1 x inflatable mattress for kids
1 x trampolina
Audio Visual Equipment and Deck Facilities:
Samsung flat screen TVs throughout
Karaoke touch screen system
Kaleidoscope video/music on demand using AMX operating system
Sea Tel 5004 Satellite TV x 2
Sea Tel 5009 V Sat
Fleet Broadband 250
Iridium SC 4000 Sat phone
Thrane & Thrane Sailor Sat C
MF/HF 5000 Radio
Simrad VHF system
GMDSS hand held x 2
GSM x 2
Panasonic telephone exchange with handsets in every cabin
ALTO Bridge