Guests: 10 | Length (ft): 65
€657 - 1.429 / day
Summer locationCroatia
Winter locationCroatia
3 x double bed cabin, 1 twin bed cabin, 1 bunk bed cabin, 1 x Skipper's cabin
Plus Expenses
Guests: 8-10 | Length (ft): 65
€2.300 - 3.000
Guests: 8 | Length (ft): 65
€2.571 - 2.857
Guests: 6 | Length (ft): 65
€1.700 - 2.500
€2.500 - 2.843
$6.429 - 7.286
$3.314 - 3.929
$4.571 - 4.571
Guests: 12 | Length (ft): 65
$6.523 - 9.706
$8.414 - 9.571
€2.071 - 3.143
$4.286 - 4.571
$7.286 - 11.571
$7.286 - 7.286
$6.857 - 6.000
€1.714 - 2.271
€1.836 - 2.707
Guests: 0 | Length (ft): 65
€3.857 - 3.857
€4.453 - 4.453
€2.571 - 3.571
€2.071 - 2.357
€2.357 - 2.800
€5.286 - 5.714
$6.000 - 6.000
€2.143 - 2.429
$3.857 - 3.857
€1.411 - 1.707
€1.500 - 1.800
€1.857 - 2.357
€2.143 - 2.643
€2.857 - 3.143
Guests: 9 | Length (ft): 65
€950 - 0
Guests: 6-10 | Length (ft): 65
€1.400 - 1.600
€1.800 - 2.300
€2.500 - 2.714
€1.714 - 2.143
Guests: 4 | Length (ft): 65
€2.214 - 2.500
$3.143 - 3.429
€1.000 - 1.500
€2.571 - 3.286
€1.286 - 1.714
$8.714 - 12.143
$9.071 - 10.500
$7.286 - 8.571
$7.143 - 8.286
€4.286 - 5.857
$8.243 - 9.143
$6.214 - 6.643
$8.857 - 10.000
$7.429 - 8.857
Guests: 7 | Length (ft): 65
€5.571 - 6.429
$7.857 - 9.000
€5.289 - 5.289
$8.429 - 10.000
€24.000 - 26.000
$8.429 - 10.286
$3.386 - 3.857
$5.114 - 5.686
€2.929 - 4.071
$3.857 - 5.000
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